Sunday, December 20, 2015


prayers and blessing for those who are suffering, who are crying, hungry, hurt, abandoned, cold, in hiding, sick, running away, chased, hunted, persecuted, ,prayers Almighty God covers, defends, rescues, feeds, warms, embraces the wounded and hurting.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Fibro Pain helps

if you or a loved on e have fibromyalgia or nerve pain you know how hard it is to live with, deal with, relieve.  it sucks and makes you miserable.  some go from pain pill to pain pill and getting all drugged up and still have that damn pain.

here are a few things i have tried with very good results.

ive mentioned before i make a cannabis tincture for this.  it works fantastic and relieves at least 90-95% of the pain.  it just leaks thru when i am late with a dose.  i take 2T about 4 times a day.  thats it.
it does not get me high or loopy, tho i do not take it on an empty stomach.  the stuff works.  if it is legal in your state start making this stuff. it is Very easy.

i make a 50/50 blend,  50% small green leaf and 50% flower bud.
i bake the flower buds to decarboxilate, 300 degrees for 10 min.
crumble up real good and toss in gallon jar with the green leafe, cover with vodka 80 proof min or everclear, steep for 30 days. 
stir and mash down every day.
strain and store back on the empty vodka bottles, LABEL AND DATE.

you can take cannabis pate capsules.  this is more heavy duty and 3-4 a day works.

homeopathincs--i found at, they have a house brand of homeopathics and i have tried a few different ones with very good results.  they have one for fibro and one for nerve pain, one for stress, they all work pretty good.  they run about $5 for a bottle of 100 pills that you take 2-3 a few times a day.  they are worth trying out.

if you know of other helps please  share.
the way the economy and world is marching to madness, i am doing my best to make and stock up on items i Need.
pain relief without drugging yourself up is Critical as far as im concerned and i keep experimenting. 

we need to learn how to make what we need.  pain relief is a biggie.

God Bless


ok, its been over a months since surgery and im still here.  the scars are still a bit irritating but it is ok.  some odd pain with them here and there, i use some comfrey salve, arnica and even some cannabis salve to help with healing and left over pain.  its working.

i am currently brewing up some more cannabis tincture to get me thru the year for tghe fibro pain.  it just works so durn good at stopping that damn pain i like to keep it going considering it takes me 30 days to make it.

yeah, i know--there are shortcuts but im rarely a shortcut person unless really necessary.  i have been still using the cannabis paste but where i was taking 8 pills prior to surgery of the paste to try to shrink the tumor (which it did), i find that i can no longer take that high a dose, i am struggling to take 6 a day.

my body just does not want that much.  it did not bother me efore, maybe made me tired, but now, i can barely take 6 and feel normal.  so i went back to the tincture 2X a day and 3 pills at night.

i am trying to keep up a cancer killing dose for the full 90 days.  struggling to do that.

i know with the oil--known also as Rick Simpsom Oil--you work up to 1gm a day of the super concentrated oil for 90 days to kill off cancer.  with the paste, well, it is less concetrated but it has ALL the CBDs, you dont strip from the plnat getting what you can and throwing the rest away, you use the whole plant material and injest it getting the benefits of ALL the good stuff.  the recommended dose is get up to 3 gms a day---but i have not seen tests on this, so i worked up the the max i could deal with which turned out to be 8gms a day. 

i am still looking for more info on the paste product.  actually it is easier to make and use as far as i am concermed  but in truth there are several different cannabis products you can make and use, it does not have to be the RSO.  that is hard for met o make with my bad eyesight, the paste is real easy for me.

anywya---i am still fighting the dizzy spells.
when taking the 8gm paste a day they stopped completely whihc surprised me.  after surgery when ic ould not get back up tp the 8gm a day they came back.  so i am experimetning on stuff to see what i can do.  dammit.  i hate them and have had aobut every test and the doczs cant find out what is causig the,  so i am trying diffetn things.

went to a acupuncturist last week and it definitly helped, so will go back for another treatment this week.  never tried it before and was nervous but really, id did not hurt at all and i was so releaxed i had to fight falling asleep.

anyway--still making things, experimenting.

if you want a superior CRAMP, SPASM, MUSCLE t3ension reliever here is a recipe i make regulary and it is fantastic.  if you are having a charlie horse or muscle spasms, a few tablespoons of this stops it dead in its tracks.

equal parts
wood betony
wild yam
corydalis root

put in large glass jar, fill jar half full.
cover with vodka, at least 80 rpoof or everclear
stir real well and let steep  for 30 days
label and date

after 30 days strain, OR just strain out what you need and let the rest continue to steep.  it just gets better

take 1-3T for spasm.  repeat as needed, but Most of the time, the crapm will just disappear.  works for all types, of cramps, spasms.  this stuff is great.


God bless and hang in there.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Hillbilly Ten Commandments

The Hillbilly's Ten Commandments (posted on the wall at Cross Trails Church in Gainesboro, TN)

(1) Just one God

(2) Put nothin' before God

(3) Watch yer mouth

(4) Git yourself to Sunday meetin'

(5) Honor yer Ma & Pa

(6) No killin'

(7) No foolin' around with another fellow's gal

(8) Don't take what ain't yers

(9) No tellin' tales or gossipin'

(10) Don't be hankerin' for yer buddy's stuff

Now that's kinda plain an' simple, don't ya think? Y'all have a nice day.


i have always liked this plain speak version of the 10 commandments.  there are so many people opposed to a public display of the commandments even tho our countrys founders ALL  subscribed to the belief that they embodied the basics of morality and decency, what a civil society needed

Monday, October 5, 2015

Cancer Or Not?

on my last visit to the doctors i was told i should take that 3 week course of radiation 'just in case'/  they said i looked to be cancer free after the surgery, all went well and everything was as expected, but 'just in case' i should take the radiation treatments.

i declined.

that did not sit well---they were, well, kind of shocked i was not going to go ahead and just do what they said was protocol.  i thanked them, i was grateful, i was glad i went ahead with the surgery to get rid of the tumor and it was sucessful, but i have no interest in taking in radiation into my body to kill and or alter cells,
'just in case'.  i can just as well take extra cannabis oil caps for 'just in case'.  which is what i am doing.

that is my treatment.

it can be hard to go against standard medical theory and treatment.  but i read enough of using radiation to fight cancer, and looked at both sides positions.  in my gut i knew it was not right for me.  for better or worse i have to decline and find my own way thru the cancer cure labyrinth.    oh, i forgot, you cant legally say anything cured your cancer except for the standard surgery-chemo-radiation treatments.  otherwise you are called a quack and dangerous, oh well....................

getting better every day here home on the range.  still somewhat tired and a bit sore here and there but doing much better.  than the Good Lord for blessings and answered prayers.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Recovery Thoughts

i feel like i am still playing catch up.  tho each day is a little better, i feel like i cant get enough sleep.  it is still a bit uncomfortable trying to find a position to sleep in, and when i roll over to my favorite position (laying on right side) by incisions protest and wake me up reminding me that is not the happy place.  but that  is also getting a bit easier.

i look at my scars that are not as bad as i feared, i put cannabis coconut oil on and that helps alot with the pain and soreness  in my breast.  have to take some extra strength tylenol now and then and for awhile  was still taking one and a half pain pill at bed time to take the edge off but last night i did not need it, so i am getting better.

tomorrow is back to surgeon for post check up, but i cancelled the radiation and oncologist guys.  just dont want to do it.  dont want the radiation or the drugs---gonna finish this by myself.  i dont get a good feeling about the radiation or drugs so, going to follow my gut instinct.  already got a call back asking why????  lol.  cause id di some research and found that the standard treatments are not as safe as presented, it is just the standard treatment and who are YOU to question !

i wish everyone well who is undergoing such treatments, but i am not comfortable about it.  so i politely decline, thank you.  just gonna check to make sure my incisions are healing properly--and they look to be so---after that i will take a different path to healing my body.

i have been examining all my actions and decisions and what i have been thru in this breast cancer thingy-----i had decided to go ahead with the surgery thinking it was a smart thing to do.  but now i am not so sure  after 3 weeks of taking cannabis, the 3rd week at the higher cancer killing dose, the tumor DID shrink from 11mm to 8mm.  that is a great sign.  so i have decided that if this thing happens again i will not do the surgery.  im not going thru all that again, as nice as the surgeon was, and i thought she was great, i am not repeating this adventure.  i will treat with the high does of cannabis and take my chances.  after all, even with chemo and radiation, you are still taking your chances and hoping for the best.

well--time for my walk--got to keep the knees moving so i dont get stove up.

God bless you all.  hang in there.
get food

Friday, September 18, 2015

Best News - repeat

the best news i got is that my pathology report came back negative.  no cancer cells in lymph nodes, im clear.

the tuor shrunk from 11 to 8mm in the 3 weeks from diagnosis to surgery.  they say they dont know why--but i was taking upper dose of cannabis paste to help fight the cancer.  tumors dont shrink on their own............

so that tells me it was working and if i had been avle to take the full 90 day cannabis cancer treatment i believe it would have been even better.

so instead of having to cut out a chunk the size of a fist they only had to cut an amount the size of a walnut.  less scars--less tissue destruction.

i am probably repeating myself, and if so, i apologize.  i am still thrilled about the good report.  thanks to the good Lord for prayers answered.

they want me to take 3 weeks of radiation which they say will reduce possibility of cancer returning to 20%, without it it would be 30%.

im taking the cannabis it is far safer than the radiation.  for me, in my question.